Proposal photo session at Mystique blue hotel beach on Holbox Island Februrary 2020
This proposal took place on the beach of the Mystique blue hotel on Holbox island
Ramón got in touch with me with at least a month in advance so we were able to make happen what he had in his mind for her girlfriend.
He is from my city so we connect almost immediately,
he explained what he wanted or was willing to happen on their stay in the mystique blue hotel Holbox.
This is just the part two, for the real proposal he wanted to be at night during a dinner that he already setup with the hotel, so I was there, hide on the bushes, not really I had a table not that far not that close because I didn’t wanted her to spot me and I needed to be close and ready for the action;
He didn’t want a lot of pics, just to capture the ambiance and the essence of their moment,
He didn’t wanted much-posed pictures for their memories, he wanted more candid stuff so I gave them a few ideas to keep in mind instead of focusing on the camera in front of them all the time.
we walked a bit around the Holbox beach because he wanted to enjoy his fiance in a natural way
So it was more like a journalism than a regular engagement or proposal photo session, we even went to grab a drink.
You can tell how happy were they just with the size of their smiles.
I do a lot of proposals here on the Holbox island and there is something here that you can really feel the vibe of this lovely place, it is always a pleasure to help couples to keep heir memories on how was the proposal, how do they got engaged or how did he ask the BIg question.