Pre-wedding session in Punta coco at Holbox Island
Janine & Lukas
from Switzerland
got Married in their country
but they had bad luck and it was a super rainy day
on that day
that they decided to have a second wedding
on the place that he proposed to her
the Holbox Island
an exotic place with shallow beaches is the place where
the Mexican Caribbean begins.
We decided to make a photo shoot before the wedding day
just in case it rain,
btw it didn’t the wedding day was amazing
I’ll post that soon
Janine and Lukas got a trial hair and make up
and we just went for it, I planned in advance the photo session and we went
to a nice area in the island, we did, but we wasn’t counting with the poodles and flooded areas, any way we got a Can-am maverick to complete the mission
and we were able to cross and arrive to Punta coco
where I planned the photoshoot because is quiet most of the time
and the water is really shallow and clear.
I know that i mention the poodles and flooded areas but
belive me it was bad, as soon as we got out of the town
Lukas was already dressed and Janine too but, the dress is easy to lift in the poodles,
any way Lukas decided to apply the philosophy of
to cross to the beachside
At this point we crossed the flooded area
and went straight to what we wanted, the shoot, have fun
and a good pic with a sign that they were carrying with them for give thanks to all of their friends who made the effort
to come to the Mexican Caribbean
with them.